Let’s Tackle Hunger Together!
Our young disciples will make a presentation and collect money, food & essentials for Hominy Valley ABCCM as part of the 2025 Souper Bowl of Caring
on Sunday, February 9th during morning worship.
We will celebrate Holy Communion during morning worship on Sunday, February 2nd. Our communion offering will go to the “Hominy Valley ABCCM” as part of our Young Disciples’ annual collection for the Souper Bowl of Caring.
Last year with your help, they collected $760 + lots of items.
Everyone is invited to bring donations through Sunday, February 9th.
We are grateful for this yearly presentation & collection by our Young Disciples that helps reach neighbors in need!
This is also Scout Sunday! We are excited to welcome Cub Master Danielle Firster and Pack 74 to morning worship. 🙂
FAUMC Phone:
(828) 667-3950
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