Francis Asbury United Methodist Church

You Asked for It: What Is Truth?

Posted on 14 Jul 2024, Pastor: Rev. Avery White

Our accompanist this morning is Mrs. Sylvia Tang. Sylvia & her daughters (Betty Louie & Mabel Tang) will provide our special music this morning. We are grateful for their musical talents and willingness to share them with us!

John 8:31-16 ERV; Ephesians 4:14-16, 25-30 The Message

Today we begin a new sermon series called “You Asked for It.” A couple of months ago, you shared some wonderful input (questions, topics, scripture verses, etc.) that Pastor Avery used to create a five-week series. We will address prayer, grace, salvation, forgiveness, and more. While five weeks is not long enough to address every recommendation, there will be further opportunities this year to include more of them. Some of your suggestions were wonderful ideas for future sermon series, and Pastor Avery already has some plans in place for the rest of this year. Thank you for your faithful responses, and participation in our worship together.